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noble eightfold path中文是什么意思

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  • 八正道


  • Our motivation acquires the requisite maturity by the cultivation of right view , the first factor of the noble eightfold path , which as explained by the buddha includes an understanding of the principles of kamma and rebirth as fundamental to the structure of our existence
  • The noble truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering : there is a path our of suffering - it is the ' noble eightfold path ' ( or the ' middle path ' because it avoids the two extremes of sensual pleasure and self - mortification ) , that leads to the cessation of suffering
    引领停止苦楚的高贵真理:有一条停止我们的苦楚的道路? ?这就是“八重道路” (八正道,或者是“中间的道路” ,因为它避免了纵欲和禁欲两个极端) ,这引向了苦楚的停止。
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